Privacy Policy
Personal Information Protection Principles
De Huiswinkels (hereinafter ‘this Company’ or ‘we’) holds sincerity, love, and gratitude to be our management principles, and we aim to become an online shop that satisfies customers with our high-quality, low-priced products and range of services. This Company is conscientious of our social responsibility as an online order company, and we position the appropriate protection and management of the privacy and personal information provided to use by our customers and others as our top priority.
This is why we will endeavor to be more reliable and provide our customers with even further peace of mind by constructing a system where all of our employees and affiliates remain conscientious of the importance of protecting personal information and, through the protection of the personal information we obtain from our customers, a system our customers can feel at ease to use. Additionally, we adhere to all laws and regulations related to personal information, and we strive to appropriately manage and maintain personal information.
Personal Information Protection Policy
(1) Obtaining Personal Information
This Company shall obtain personal information within an appropriate scope from customers who use our online sale services after having informed the customer of the purpose of its use and contact details for inquiries.
(2) Using Personal Information
When obtaining personal information, this Company shall disclose in advance the purpose of use of such, and shall use the personal information only within the scope of that purpose. Additionally, except in cases permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act and other laws and regulations, this Company shall not use the personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieving its purpose without the consent of the individual concerned, also shall carry out measures to prevent the use of personal information beyond the scope of its purpose by restricting access to personal information and managing the period of time personal information can be used.
(3) Matters Related to the Prevention and Redress of Leaks, Loss or Damage
This Company shall carry out the necessary and appropriate measures to prevent the leak, loss or damage of the personal information we handle as well as the safe management of other personal information, and shall carry out the necessary measures to rectify any such accidents.
(4) Adhering to Laws, Regulations, Government-Stipulated Guidelines and Other Standards Related to Personal Information
In handling personal information, this Company adheres to laws, regulations, government-stipulated guidelines and other standards regarding the protection of personal information.
(5) Responding to Complaints and Inquiries
This Company endeavors to faithfully and rapidly respond to any complaints, consultations and inquiries made regarding the way we handle personal information.
(6) Continuous Improvement of Personal Information Protection Management System
To safely protect personal information, this Company shall make continuous reviews and improvements to the management system in response to changes to the larger environment and social climate.
De Huiswinkels
Handling Personal Information
In providing your personal information to De Huiswinkels (hereinafter ‘this Company’, ‘we’ or ‘us’) you consent to the following.
1. Obtaining Personal Information
This Company shall adhere to the Personal Information Protection Act and use the appropriate means when obtaining personal information from customers who use (hereinafter ‘this Website’). This Company shall express the purpose of use and obtain the consent from the individual concerned when obtaining personal information from customers directly in writing or through this Website, and shall not use such personal information for purposes other than those intended. It is optional for customers to provide us with their personal information; however, this Company’s services may be unavailable for individuals who do not provide their personal information.
2. Using Personal Information
(1) Customer Personal Information
This Company shall use and provide personal information obtained from customers only within the scope necessary to achieving the following purpose of use. In the event that personal information is used for a purpose not stipulated below, we will do so after having obtained the prior consent of the individual concerned. Customers under the age of 16 should receive the consent of their parent/guardian when providing personal information to this Company.
- To deliver ordered products, invoice for price of products, and any other related tasks (This includes provide information necessary to deliver ordered products to product manufacturers and delivery companies.);
- Contacting and confirming with customers the content of their orders and the delivery method;
- Responding to customer demands and inquiries;
- Sending promotional items and gifts during campaigns carried out by this Company or our subsidiaries, and notifying customers of products and services (e-mail distribution lists etc.);
- Asking customers for opinions or comments on this Company or our subsidiaries (This includes opinions or comments on products and services.);
- Analyzing and evaluating improvements to the services of this Company.
(2) Personal Information of Individuals Inquiring to this Company
Such personal information shall only be used for responses to such inquiries.
When obtaining personal information, this Company shall, in addition to the above, provide advance disclosure of the purpose of use, and, except in cases when permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations, shall not use such personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieving its purpose without the consent of the individual concerned.
3. Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Information
This Company may outsource the handling, in part or in whole, of personal information within the scope necessary to achieving the purposes indicated in 2. Using Personal Information. When doing so, we shall carefully vet third parties, and shall carry out the necessary and appropriate supervision of third parties to ensure the safe management of personal information that has been outsourced for handling.
4. Providing Personal Information to Third Parties
Except in cases permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act and other laws and regulations, this Company shall not provide the customer’s personal information to a third party without the prior consent of the customer.
However, this shall not apply in the following circumstances.
(1) Should it be necessary to protect the life, body or property of someone, and the consent of the individual concerned cannot be obtained;
(2) Should there be a particular necessity to improve public health or promote the sound raising of a child, and the consent of the individual concerned cannot be obtained;
(3) Should it be necessary to cooperate in the execution of duties, prescribed by laws and regulations, by a national government, municipal institution, or other agent who has been assigned such duties, and obtaining the consent of the individual concerned may impede the execution of those duties;
(4) Should a law or regulation stipulate that the disclosure or provision of personal information by this Company be mandatory;
The following circumstances do not constitute provision of personal information to a third party as stipulated in the preceding paragraph.
- Should the handling, in part or in whole, of personal information be outsourced by this Company within the necessary scope of achieving the purposes of use stipulated in 2. Using Personal Information;
- Should personal information be provided accompanying a succession of business through merger or other cause.
5. Handling of Credit Card Information
This Company neither obtains nor stores credit card information from our customers.
6. Recording of Telephone Calls
To accurately understand the details of the inquiries and orders from our customers we sometimes record the phone calls we receive.
7. Disclosure/Correction of Personal Information
Should this Company receive a request for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, ceasing the utilization of, erasure, and ceasing the third-party provision of personal information, we shall promptly respond to such requests in accordance with our internal regulations. We cannot disclosure any information should the identity of the individual concerned not be verified. Additionally, we may not be able to respond to requests for deletion, ceasing of the utilization of, erasure or ceasing the third-party provision of personal information should the business of this Company be obstructed in doing so or for any records of our business. Read Procedures to Request Disclosure etc. for information on the procedures for requesting disclosure etc. and obtaining our request form. A fee applies to requests for disclosure and requests for notification of the purpose of use of confidential information.
<Inquiries Regarding Personal Information>
If you have any questions or comments regarding this Company’s handling of personal information, please contact us using the details below.
【Contact details】
De Huiswinkels
Houtstraat 3, 6511 JK Nijmegen, The Netherlands
8. Organization/System
An organization to promote the protection of personal information shall be established, and shall strive for the appropriate management of personal information.
9. Cookies
This Website uses Cookies. Cookies refer to a technology where identifying information is temporarily retained as data on the communication device used by the customer, and this data is used to identify the customer when they connect. Cookies allow the computer used by the customer to be identified, but they cannot identify the specific individual. The services of this Website are provided on the assumption that customers will use cookies. A portion of these services may not be available should a customer not permit the use of cookies. Your browser settings can permit the use of cookies. Please check your settings as required.
10. Obtaining of Other Online Identifiers
In order to provide better services to our customers and to prevent illegal activity, this Company obtains online identifiers, such as IP addresses, browser types and versions, and device identifiers, etc.
11. Security
When customers provide their personal information through this Website, all personal information is encrypted with the industry-standard encryption method SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to prevent illicit access to personal information by third parties. This Company strives to protect and ensure the safety of personal information using SSL-encrypted transmission. Additionally, personal information is carefully managed based on our specified management standards, and measures are taken to prevent access, loss, destruction, alteration, leaks, and computer virus infections through the use of firewalls and anti-virus software.